We are participating in the 7th Bi-City Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB) with our new artwork Lessons Amongst Trees.

Located in House 7 in Yantian’s Dameisha Village, Lessons Amongst Trees explores the relationships between trees and humans, and how it opens up spaces of hope.

The installation includes the works of Jeremy Hiah, Janice Tan, and Atelier Rakyat. The film includes the works of Isabelle Desjeaux, Bernice Lee, and Balakrishnan Matchap; and stories from Esha Batish, Beng Tang, and Gozde Zehnder.

Curated by Doreen Liu and Yang Yong.
The exhibition is free and open until 8 Apr 2018.
More info at http://szhkbiennale.org.
Supported by Singapore International Foundation.

[Image: Dameisha Village Wish Tree]
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