Speculating what Paradise looks like is one of the longest continuous discussion of an imagined landscape. Where is it located? How does this promised eternal space looks like? This long conversations about the physicality of Paradise is an attraction for the speaker; as a way to reflect how we imagine nature and how this spiritual (sometimes voyeuristic or super-terrestrial) visualisations is define by the real world, our own culture, new scientific discoveries, or as ways to search for lost tradition. With this, let us go for a “walk” – sometimes factual and sometimes with our own imaginations – looking at various paradises through visual art.
About the Speaker
Faiz Bin Zohri is a landscape architect driven by the interconnections of urban public spaces, landscape traditions and re-generative ecology. He has been involved in urban, landscape and public art installations of various scales in the Netherlands, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.
(Image caption: Bumi Langit, Morning After The End Of Dry Season)
[Part of Survey: Space, Sharing, Haunting, curated by Post-Museum]