Post-PopUp at CCA
Block 38, Studio #01-07
Malan Road, Gillman Barracks
Singapore 109441
An artist talk, post-mortem and review that revisits and explores their collaborative work, in particular the live art event Artscience Late: Life Circuit at Artscience Museum presented on 12 June 2014.
The artists will also demonstrate their individual works, on how they interact and interplay with forms, space, technology, and visual, sound and performative elements.
The project More than [show] business – Post-PopUp at CCA is a collaborative effort between Post-Museum and CCA, led by curators Anca Rujoiu and Vera Mey, with the additional support of the National Arts Council (NAC).
[Photo: Performance at Artscience Late: Life Circuit at Artscience Museum, 12 June 2014]