So sorry for the radio silence.

We’ve been busy with Post-PopUp, which is coming to a close at the end of this month. Wow, 4 months have flown by!

Come join us for Singapore Really Really Free Market 32, in Post-PopUp, this coming Sat (25 Oct) from 2-7pm. This would be one of the last things we are doing there and it should be a fun one. Come by for D&D game, juggling and tarot card reading, etc. More info here.

Besides SRRFM32, come see Koh Nguang How’s excellent exhibition entitled “Shui Tit Sing – 100 Years of an Artist through his Archives”. It’s an important show about an almost forgotten artist, and 2 artists, John Low and Cai Qin, are intervening with their work. It’s an interesting experience, don’t miss it. The exhibition is only on until Sun (26 Oct); more info here.

Well, hope to see you this Sat in Post-PopUp.

Otherwise, stay tuned for more info on Awaken the Dragon, which is coming up next month!