Can Space Speak?

More than [show] business: Post-PopUp at CCA
13 June – 1 October 2014
Studio #01-07, Block 38 Malan Road, Gillman Barracks

More than [show] business is a collaborative project between CCA – Centre for Contemporary Art and Post–Museum. This collaboration is conceived as a platform for exploring different curatorial formats and ways of presenting and distributing art.

We are looking for proposals from individuals and groups who will use the space as a platform for cultural production and activity. How can a space be inhabited? How can a space respond to multiple uses, shift identity and open up to different forms of engagement? How can a space produce context? How can one negotiate with the inherent restrictions in using an institutional space within a temporary framework? How open is an open space?

Proposals will be selected on a basis of how to use a space in a generative and critical nature.

Please send us your ideas and proposals at! We embrace various formats for activities.

Proposals of a maximum of 500 words due on 4 July 2014.

Proposals will be selected on the basis of content, practicality and feasibility. The selected proposals will unfold throughout July, August and September.

The Post-PopUp is hosted within one of the CCA artists’ studios as a site for events, happenings, artistic experiments, hanging out and spontaneity. The programme will unfold in several episodes, bringing together institutional, curatorial and artistic gestures. More than [show] business is a space that could be tested for a future of co-constituted creative spaces and artistic communities in Singapore, looking at institution building in tandem with artistic practice. Going beyond exhibition making as artistic output, More than [show] business at Post-PopUp at CCA invites those to engage with other aspects involved in artistic production, the discursive event, the community group and the overnight show.

Figure adapted from “Model of a ‘praxis’of creativity and explanatory notes” (Heather Chi, 2011) for Post-PopUp at CCA, Gillman Barracks, Singapore, June-Sept 2014.

Used with kind permission from the author.*


* Chi,Heather (2011) Can Space Speak?Independence, Creativity and Social Action in Singapore: A Case Study of Post-Museum. Unpublished B. Soc. Sc. Honours thesis, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore.


The project More than [show] business – Post-PopUp at CCA is a collaborative effort between Post-Museum and CCA, led by curators Anca Rujoiu and Vera Mey, with the additional support of the National Arts Council (NAC).