Fri (7 Jun), 7-9pm


GeoHall of GeoWorks, 460 Alexandra Rd, Level 7 PSA Building, Singapore 119963.




From 2009 to 2013, Artist CHANG En Man completed a series of 6 snail-themed art projects. This series draws inspiration from ‘cuisine’, as Chang begins to learn indigenous Paiwan tribe recipes from her mother, as a medium for understanding the history of the island and tracing its relationship to the world.


The Giant African Land Snail has its origin in East Africa. It was introduced to Taiwan from Singapore by a government official during the Japanese colonial period in 1933 for the purpose of food farming. In 2019, CHANG En Man re-started the “snail” journey, re-tracing the migration route of the Giant African Land Snail.


Join Chang on her first stop in Singapore, as she comes to Foodscape Collective to share her creations and talk about how she imagined and practiced this snail recipe map.


This event is co-hosted by Foodscape Collective and Post-Museum. It will be held on 7 June 2019 (Fri), 7 – 9 pm, at


About Chang En-Man: 

CHANG, EN-MAN (b. 1967, in Taitung, Taiwan) lives and works in Taipei. As the artist’s identity inspires her to embark on a journey across the island, she also expands to the whole picture of the community or the world and explores how art can transform. Recent solo exhibitions include As Heavy as a Feather, Taiwan Academy,  Los Angeles (2017), and Centre A, Vancouver (2016), Snail Paradise, Open Contemporary Art Center, Taipei(2013). Group exhibitions include National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung (2018), Courtesy Taipei Cultural Center, New York (2018).


About Foodscape Collective: 

Foodscape Collective co-founders came together with a common interest in food issues and community resilience in Singapore. We connect people who want to find ways to re-think and create better food systems in which we thrive and live. Our volunteers go down to understand issues on the ground, highlight stories and local knowledge worth sharing, and also the gaps that people can come together to work on together. We also conduct food sharing, workshops, outreach, documentation and mapping and research activities. Everyone is welcome to join the community be it at our events, or FB group “Community for Food Sustainability in Singapore”.