Really Really Free Chat Room #1: Kick Off

Really Really Free Chat Room is a series of chit chat sessions with friends & allies from the Post-Museum network.

Hello friends,
Things may seem a little chaotic and we are definitely not seeing much of each other.

In Singapore, we are staying at home due to the lockdown of most services. As a result, social gatherings are greatly reduced.

We are starting a new virtual chat show where we will be inviting friends from our network to share things and talk about different topics which concern them or simply to share.

The first show will broadcast on the Post-Museum Facebook Page. The first episode will be starting tonight (10 April) from 8.30pm-midnight – Singapore time.

This episode features: Mohamad Artistically Ariff Ariff, Hao Pei, Ivan, Jackyln, Jireh Koh, @Jessie Lim, Kuah, Nicole, Richard Chua Lian Choon & Ted

Really Really Free Chat Room (RRFCR) is Post-Museum’s live streaming show (Tue, Thu & Sun, 8.30pm) during the lockdown period. The show is a social gathering in these times of physical distancing. The show features friends and allies sharing about their work in the cultural field and discussion on a wide range of topics from social, political and music jamming. As the title suggests, it is ultimately about being ‘free’ to make the world.