A fundraising event for Post-Museum Fund |
Organised by Carol and Dawn |
The Self requires an Other to define itself against. This idea that the foreigner/Other can first be found within us is not new - as Zygmunt Bauman put it, the Other is ‘the vomited enemy’. This week, experience First Contact with the Other, and find a new way to live with yourself, in our city full of strangers. |
![]() Loft Entry by donation to Post-Museum Fund (min $8) Film Study of The Man Who Fell To Earth. Since the movie's release, The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976, dir: Nicolas Roeg) has grown to a cult status due to its surreal imagery, calm, meditative music and mood. The film profoundly explores human values and desires; the clichés of social and cultural rituals; hoping against the odds. Starring David Bowie. 139min, in English. |
![]() Food #03 By invitation only Inter-Faith Mystery Dinner. |
![]() Side Alley Pay as you wish The Silence Experiments. Silence is intimate; it opens up our pores and our heart to feel the cores of others. Sit with Mary-Jane Leo for 15 minutes in silence at the alley next to Food #03. She will make something - a word, a poem, a drawing- at the end. This is part of Mary's little personal quest to understand silence, souls, energy, intimacy, eyes, the cosmos. |
![]() Food #03 Entry by purchase of multiple drinks & your strange stories Silent Film Screening: Strangers on a Train (1951) & Fieldnotes on Strangers: a pilot event of Hello Stranger. Come sit, drink and exchange stories about the strangers you've met in our peculiar world. A lurking scribe will be eavesdropping, furiously taking fieldnotes for the ongoing art project. Write a letter to your stranger. Letters collected throughout the week and on the day itself will be hung on a line for your viewing pleasure. |
![]() Food #03 Entry by donation to Post-Museum Fund (min $8) In Conversation with 'Resident Tourist' Troy Chin. Join us for an intimate discussion with local graphic novelist Troy Chin, on the Resident Tourist Syndrome, Singaporean-ness and values. Try to make some sense of this crazy/wonderful country we call our own. |
update: 0500 on 22 July 2011 |